Remember this page? It has had a face lift! I also included newly restored images. It was a multi day project, but I hope you like it!
I am not sure where to put these yet but I found the original PSD files for the images below. I have converted them to PNG with a transparent background.
Check out the new page all about the official releases of the game! Eventually I will update it to show the cart internals as well. As for other updates, I am planning on working on the "Main Character" page of the character guide. So check it out, images are already changing. :)
At lot can change in 8 years. Yes, I haven't touched this site in that long.
The plan is to update the site, remove bad links and to just get the archive into the "2020" era. No new content is planned at this time, but the Achieve has always been on my mind. Who knows! Very minor, but I went through the guide and added missing class description text to most of the pages. This mainly affected the dragon and beast pages. Check it out!
The Archive has it's official first fan created guide! Yep, and it's a good one! So check it out! Necronium did a lot of great work, and it's great to see the community contributing to the site. So check it out! ;D
A new video from the Archive! There are more to come! If you want to suggest a topic for a video, leave a comment on this blog entry or on the facebook page!
Since 2012 is so close, I thought I write up my 2012 update schedule! These are all the features that WILL be accomplished by 2013. If you have any suggestions for me, let me know. I always LOVE making more content!
Beasts Page Update : Spring 2012 Golem Page Update: Spring 2012 Main Character Page Update: Spring/Summer 2012 NPC page creation: Summer 2012 Flash Guide Update: Summer 2012 Item Index Armors: Summer 2012 Item Index Helms: Fall 2012 Item Index Other: Fall 2012 Item Index Usable: Fall 2012 Item Index Update "How to find XXX item": Winter 2012 Spell Page Update: Winter 2012 Elem Pedra Page Update: Winter 2012 The Dragon Page has been completely updated! Well almost! The site I use for the graphs was down, so they will have to wait till Monday. Beside that, there are no further updates planed for 2011. So Happy Holiday's and see you all in 2012!
ZargataCreator of the